Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fall - My favorite

I love this time of year. The change from summer to autumn is
one of my favorite times of year. The colors, the temperature,
football, and jackets - I love it. It reminds me of coaching soccer
for so many years, trying to get practice in before 7:00. It reminds
me of being a kid and pumpkins and candy and dressing up. It reminds
me of how God changes the world around us so quickly and easily...and
how it takes so long for us to change. But the other thing to ponder is
that God has to change these things every year - not once and done.
That is like us, isn't it? Continually changing...


1 comment:

That_One_Girl said...

You have a point my friend. I love the fall too. it's the best. most relaxing time of year.