Friday, November 7, 2008

Crown without a Cross

Last week and for the next two weeks, I am
preaching on the concept of gaining our crown
(eternal righteousness) by taking up our cross
(daily sacrifice). I have been reading the book
The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey and he
has some wonderful thinking points... When Jesus
was tempted 3 times by Satan, the devil was offering
Him a easy way out - the ability to achieve glory without
having to go through the pain - - - the crown without
the cross. As I have been studying this and Heb. 2:14-18,
4:15-16 and Heb. 5:8-9, I see that Jesus went through
EXACTLY what we do...Satan offers us the crown without
the cross everyday! Temporary satisfaction over eternal
glory...That is why Jesus said in Luke 9:23 - "Take up your
cross DAILY and follow me..." And...this temptation and
trial is necessary for growth and for learning God's perfect
will for our lives!

Thank God for the example of Jesus Christ for our lives - so we
can see how He handled these tests of temporary greatness.


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