Saturday, May 17, 2008


I have never been very good at video games...From Nintendo to Sega to Playstation to Wii, I am brutal! I am getting beat by 30 points by a 12 year old from church and I begin to get angry...yes, that's right, angry. I accuse him of cheating; I accuse him of "rigging" the game; I accuse him of any and all things I can think of. I mean, I am really upset! Wow, that's sad. I don't think Jesus' brother James knew about video games when he wrote the words, "slow to anger"...there's no way that can apply to this...Or can it. What separates the Christian from the outsiders (those not in the Family yet) is our reaction to difficulty. Our slowness to anger:

- Car's in the shop 5 hours instead of two - slow!
- Boss just gave you a assignment at 4:48 Friday afternoon - slow!
- Daughter just broke your only pair of glasses Sunday morning at 9:00 - slow!

Over and over we are faced with opportunities for anger slowness...
Me, I am going to go continue to get beat and practice that slow thing...


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