Monday, August 18, 2008


Another great day to be able to come and fellowship with God
with my brothers and sisters. A good song service (my father-n-law
was leading, he did great), a good crowd (83), lots of visitors, and
the Word of God - what more can you ask for.
I preached on God's power and our tendecy to make
Him so small...I had another 25 minutes of sermon, but I
cut it off. God gave me a lot to say!
We are working on VBS - it is both exciting and time consuming!
I love the opportunity to serve.
Good men's meeting - building is coming along nicely!



Vasca said...

Way to go ~ I'm the lady living the story...being called to China brought my sweetheart (Michael) and I to a new height ~ we remain on that mountain top. We have more experiences of the Spirit in our lives than one could imagine. HE keeps us going like the Energizer Bunny and we never run good as it gets??? It's getting "gooder and gooder" with every single heart beat. What a Life...Happily His, Vasca

Jimmy Clare said...

That's fabulous. My heart was truly touched by your humility and eagerness to share the good news. My point I tried to make Sunday was that these great stories of God's power don't just come out of Oral Roberts University or the 700 Club...They come from "our world" (whatever that means) as well.
Thanks for your story! God bless!